Q: How to place an order?
A: Choose the manual you want (you can use a search bar to search for the manual you need or select your manual from the categories section), and click the BUY NOW button.

Q: How to make a payment?
A: You can pay by PayPal account, debit card, or credit card. We chose PAYPAL as our payment gateway because PayPal is the most secure online payment method.

Q: Do I need to fill in my details for payment?
A: We only need your name and email (please ensure your email is correct) during checkout. The reason we need your email is to send you the download link.

Q: When will I receive my purchased manual?
A: Once your payment is made, our system will email you the download link. It may take a few minutes to 6 hours to receive. Please check your junk or spam mailbox if the email is not delivered to your inbox.

Please contact us if you have not received your manual after 6 hours.

Q: Is it an actual manual book I will receive?
A: FYI, this is not a manual book or CD. This is a soft copy manual.
We will email you the download link, and you can click the link and directly download the manual from our server. Once the manual is completely downloaded, you can use it directly.

Q: What format will I download?
A: We will send you the manual in ZIP or PDF format. For the large file size, we will send you in ZIP format. For small file sizes, we send them in PDF format.

Q: Do I need to pay extra to open and view this manual?
A: You don’t need to pay extra to open and view the manual. Please refer to no. 8 & 9. We share free and safe software to open and view your manual.

Q: Should I purchase extra software to unzip the download file?
A: No, you don’t need to purchase extra software to unzip. You can use 7-zip to unzip your download file (it is FREE).

Q: How to view the manual after downloading and unzipping it?
A: You need Adobe Reader to view your PDF format manual. Please refer to the link below, and it is free software:
http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/ (it’s quick, free, and easy)

Q: Can I print the manual or only view it from a device?
A: YES, you can print out the manual as hardcopy. You can even select which page you need to print.

Q: Is it safe to purchase from your site?
A: YES, it is 100% safe. We do not collect your data other than email because email is needed to send you the download link.

Q: What happens if I lose my manual?
A: No worries; please contact us and provide your payment email. We will send you the replacement free of charge.

Q: What happens if this I purchase does not contain the information I need?
A: We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all downloaded manuals through our website.